5 Common Mistakes Made when Launching Your YouTube Channel

5 Common Mistakes Made when Launching Your YouTube Channel


Launching a YouTube channel can be an exciting endeavor, offering a platform to share your expertise with a global audience. However, many business owners who start a new YouTube channel make common mistakes that hinder their channel's growth and success. In this blog post, we will chat about five of these mistakes and provide insights on how to avoid them. By learning from these errors, you can increase your chances of building a thriving YouTube channel right from the start.



Transformation based content isn’t going to get you more leads...well, not on YouTube. Coaches + service providers make this mistake a lot. You are doing so well with nurturing your community on Instagram and you think that same content will work on YouTube too. And that's totally the wrong way to think.

YouTube is the second largest search engine and is owned by the first -- Google. People use search engines to find answers. So the videos about "How you became a 7-figure entrepreneur" or "behind the scenes of my 7-figure launch" will not bring in the people you think. It may not even be seen by people. We're not trying to bring in the dreamers -- We need to find people who want to solve their problems now and they need to find you to help them solve that problem.

Transformation content works well on Instagram because they know you and already aspire to have the same success as you. That's why they would be willing to also watch that kind of content on your YouTube channel -- BUT THAT IS NOT THE GOAL The top goal should be to attract NEW quality problem-aware people to your business



Stop posting how-to videos that no one asked for!

Here is what happens: you get so excited to build their authority with YouTube, but you do it the wrong way. Instead of meeting someone where they are, you completely talk over their heads and the viewer becomes more confused than when they started watching the video so they go find someone else who can explain it better.

We get that you're smart, but can you solve a problem? That's what a viewer wants to know on YouTube.  Most coaches and service pros do this by mistake! They don't even know they are confusing or talking about something that isn't solving the initial problem. 



Your YouTube strategy should be to attract problem-aware people. These are people who know they need help, but they don’t know you yet! Your IG followers are solution-aware. Your Instagram followers already know you and have been engaging with you for weeks or months. They know you are the solution. You should be making content that is pushing them to the next step.

You think the same content goes on both platforms. Because of that, you start asking your IG audience what they want to see on YouTube like it’s for them when it’s not. You should be using data to decide what to put on YouTube, not people who are past the problem-aware stage.

When you ask the solution-aware audience what they want to see on YouTube, the responses you get are going to be information they need to pay for. Their questions will be specific to their pain points. Which is a clear indication that they are ready to buy from you. But you extend the buying journey because you end up creating a YouTube video that tells them the answer. No, no, no!



The problem arises because the content becomes too meta. Business owners inadvertently ask their existing audience specific, niche questions, assuming that their audience already knows they are highly skilled in their field. The audience, aware of the business owner's expertise, might ask for guidance on a very specific issue, such as creating a video about a particular task. However, these videos often struggle to rank in search results or only rank for that narrowly focused problem.

The issue here is that the person seeking such specific content may not be ready to work with the business owner. They are in a different stage of awareness, which makes it more challenging to convert them into a paying client. It becomes a harder task to convince them that the creator is the right solution for their broader needs. On the other hand, it is much easier to convert someone who is problem aware, rather than someone already situated in a different stage of awareness.



When it comes to launching your channel, many people simply go live with their video and move on. However, it's crucial to consider how you want to approach your channel launch. Will you release a batch of five videos upfront or follow a consistent schedule with a blitz of weekly videos, later transitioning to bi-weekly or two per month? It's important to plan your launch strategy accordingly.

Additionally, think about whether you want to have a pre-launch phase that includes activities like a launch party. Depending on your previous marketing efforts and existing audience, you can devise ways to warm up people and generate excitement for your channel before it officially launches. By providing value and educational content beforehand, you can engage your current audience and encourage them to support your channel when it goes live. This approach ensures you're not launching to crickets and follows similar principles to launching a program or an offer.

Lastly, remember to promote your videos more than just once. It's essential to talk about your video multiple times, leveraging various channels and platforms to maximize exposure and engagement.



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Your Savvy Business™with Heather Crabtree: for experienced online coaches + service pros who want to unlock your next level in business without compromising your goals, priorities and values, or sacrificing your boundaries.

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